About Our Bylaws
Our Bylaws guide us as, disciples of Jesus Christ, as we work in comunion with each other and God.
a Florida corporation not for profit — January 3, 2025
1.1 – Name. The name of this Corporation is Christ Community Church – EFCA, Inc.
1.2 – Principal Office. The principal office of the Corporation shall be initially located in Ocala, Marion County, Florida and/or such other places as may be designated from time to time by the Elders, without the necessity of amending these bylaws.
1.3 – Registered Agent. The registered office of the Corporation, which is required by Florida law to be maintained in the State of Florida, may be, but need not be, identical with the principal office in the State of Florida. The initial registered office of the Corporation shall be 121 NW Third Street, Ocala, Florida 34475. The initial Registered Agent shall be John S. Simons. The address of the registered office and the Registered Agent may be changed from time to time by the Elders, without the necessity of amending these bylaws.
1.4 – Affiliation. Although Christ Community Church is self-governing, it has chosen to place itself in an accountable relationship with the Evangelical Free Church of America and to participate in supporting its ministries. Christ Community Church values the spiritual unity of the universal church and desires to fellowship and minister with other churches and para-church organizations who live by the same rule of Scripture and serve under the same Lord Jesus Christ.
2.1 – Scripture. Christ Community Church believes that the ultimate authority for the governance of a church is set forth in the Bible, as God’s infallible scripture. The Bible shall be the ultimate authority and basis for all decisions in the life of Christ Community Church.
2.2 – Other Governing Documents. Subordinate to the Bible, the governing documents of Christ Community Church shall be the Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution, and these Bylaws. In the event of any conflict between these documents, the Articles of Incorporation will supersede the Constitution and Bylaws, and the Constitution will supersede the Bylaws. The governing documents may be amended as provided in these Bylaws.
3.1 – Qualifications. Any person who meets the following standards is eligible to become a Member.
- Profession of faith in Christ alone as personal Savior and Lord.
- Agreement with the doctrinal positions of Christ Community Church.
- A commitment to assume the responsibilities set forth in the Church Covenant.
- Are at least eighteen (18) years old.
3.2 – Admission of Members. Each prospective Member shall complete the following steps prior to being accepted as a Member:
- Complete any orientation instruction required by the Elders.
- Complete an interview with the Elders or their designated representatives.
- Approval by a vote of two thirds (2/3) of the Elders to be recommended as a Member. The Elders will publish the names of recommended Members for two weeks prior to a meeting of the Members.
- Approval by a vote of a majority of the Members present at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose.
3.3 – Privileges of Members. All Members of Christ Community Church shall have the privileges to reasonably express opinions and vote (when in attendance) at all meetings of the Members.
3.4 – Responsibilities of Members. All Members of Christ Community Church shall have the responsibility to carry out those responsibilities as set forth in the Church Covenant, which is set forth in the Constitution.
3.5 – Change in Membership Status.
- Membership may be terminated upon the Member’s written request to the Elders.
- A Member may be removed from membership as a matter of discipline as outlined in Section 3.6 of these Bylaws.
- A Member whose circumstances prevent regular attendance or who is absent for an extended period of time may have their Membership terminated following inquiry by the church and action of the Elders.
3.6 – Discipline. Each Member of Christ Community Church agrees to humbly submit themselves to one another. This submission includes discipline, when appropriate.
- When a Member engages in behavior (in word or deed) contrary to the Membership Covenant, the Elders may determine if discipline is appropriate. Church discipline should be handled, to the extent possible, as set forth in: Matthew 18:15-17, 1 Corinthians 5:2, and Galatians 6:1-2. If discipline is appropriate, it is to be carried out in the following fashion:
- The offended party should approach the offending Member with the goal of reconciliation.
- If the matter is not resolved, the offended party should go to the offending Member with two or three mature Members of the church (including Elders, if possible) with the goal of reconciliation.
- If the matter is still not resolved, the offended party should bring the matter to the elders, who will invite the offending Member to meet with them in an attempt to resolve the matter and bring about reconciliation.
- If the matter is still not resolved, and if, in the sole opinion of the Elders, it is appropriate to do so, then the matter may be shared with the church as a whole, encouraging them to personally attempt to convince the offending Member to reconcile.
- If, in the sole opinion of the Elders, a good faith attempt at reconciliation has been made, there has been a reasonable passage of time, and there has been no substantial repentance or move toward reconciliation, then the membership of the offending party will be terminated upon the approval of a majority of the Elders.
- After the membership of an individual has been terminated pursuant to this Section, all contact with the offending party should be avoided except for the purpose of restoration.
- Any former Member whose membership has been terminated may apply to be restored to fellowship and membership only after repentance to the Lord and public confession to the church membership. The individual shall complete the steps set forth in subsections b, c, and d of Section 3.2 of these Bylaws.
- Discipline should be applied for the sake of reconciliation and unity, and not as punishment or vindication. Throughout the entire process, the offending party should be approached, to the extent possible, with the sincere hope of restoration and in attitude of prayer and humility before God.
4.1 – Annual Meeting. The annual business meeting of the Members shall be held during the last quarter of the year. The agenda of this meeting shall include the presentation of annual reports, approval of the annual operating budget, and the appointment of church officers. Copies of the proposed budget and current financial statements shall be made available to the Members at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The annual meeting shall be announced on two consecutive Sundays by publication in the church announcements no less than three Sundays prior to the date of the meeting. The newly elected officers shall take office at the beginning of the next calendar year, unless another start date was presented to and affirmed by the Members.
4.2 – Special Meetings. Special business meetings may be called by the Elders, or upon the written request of 51% of the membership. Notice of such meetings shall be given a minimum of 14 days in advance. The notice will state the items of business to be presented. At a special meeting, only those items stated in the notice will be considered.
4.3 – Quorum. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the Membership of the church shall constitute a quorum at a business meeting. Members who reside in another community during a business meeting will not be counted when calculating the quorum. Members who are present and then leave shall not cause failure of a duly constituted quorum at that meeting. If any meeting is less than a quorum, a majority of those present may vote to convene the meeting at another specified time and place.
4.4 – Chairman. The Chairman of the Elders shall preside at Church business meetings. In his absence, the Elders may appoint a representative to assume his duties.
4.5 – Voting. All votes shall be decided by a simple majority except where otherwise noted in these Bylaws. Each Member shall be entitled to one vote, if they are in attendance at the meeting, upon every proposal properly submitted to vote at any meeting of the Members. Voting on issues shall typically be by voice vote or a show of hands. Written ballots shall be used at the discretion of the Chairman or upon the approved motion of any Member.
4.6 – Notice. Notice of a special meeting, or of any matter for which notice must be given prior to a meeting may be made by verbal announcement during regularly scheduled church services, by publishing notices in the announcements and/or bulletin of the church, by making copies of the notice available at regularly scheduled church services, or by first class mail. Notice by first class mail shall be deemed delivered five days after the deposit of the notice, postage prepaid, and addressed to each Member at the address included in the church directory. All Members are responsible for notifying the church of any change of address.
4.7 – Temporary Provision. At any time prior to the initial admission of members, any issue or decision that requires the approval of a vote of the Members may be approved by a vote of the congregation at a meeting duly called and without a requirement of a quorum. No vote of the congregation will be required to approve the appointment of the initial Elders.
Christ Community Church entrusts the human leadership of the church to the guidance and direction of the Elders. The church follows an “elder led” principle of leadership. The Members are expected to follow their leadership. The Elders, and other church leadership, are accountable to the Members.
5.1 – Acting as Board of Directors. The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by its Elders. For purposes of Florida Law, including Chapters 617 and 607, Florida Statutes, the Elders shall be the Board of Directors of the Corporation.
5.2 – Number. The number of Elders shall vary from time to time based on the needs of Christ Community Church. Each Elder shall hold office until his term ends and his successor is appointed and installed.
- Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor shall serve as one of the Elders for as long as he shall hold the office of Senior Pastor.
- Other Pastoral Staff. Other pastors may serve as an elder, but in no event will the pastoral staff, including the Senior Pastor, constitute more than forty percent (40%) of the Elders. Pastoral Staff, other than the Senior Pastor, must be approved by the Senior Pastor before being presented to the Elders and Members for appointment as an Elder.
5.3 – Qualifications. Qualifications for Elders are specified in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. These qualifications are not to be used as checklists, but as principles and guidelines to discern the spiritual maturity of potential elders. In accordance with Biblical teaching, all Elders will be male. Other than Elders installed during the first two years after the adoption of these Bylaws, all Elders shall have been a member of Christ Community Church for at least one year.
5.4 – Role of Elders. An elder is a man raised up by the Holy Spirit for spiritual leadership of the local church. He is a member and an overseer of the total ministry of Christ Community Church. He is to work with his fellow elders in protecting doctrinal purity, encouraging discipleship and maintaining church order and discipline within the fellowship over which God has placed him as a shepherd. The Elders are the governing authority of the church under the Lordship of Christ and the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Elders are to be accountable to the Members. According to the Bible, Elders have the following roles:
- Shepherd the Flock. Serving in all humility, Elders are to guide, direct, guard and protect the members of the body, seeking to meet their needs and assist in any way possible, warning against harmful influences and guarding against false teachers (Acts 20:28ff, 1 Peter 5:1-3).
- Lead Through Example. Elders are to provide a Scriptural role model and are to set a pattern
before the flock of a rightly ordered life with a single purpose, to glorify God (1 Peter 5:3).
- Teach and Exhort. Elders are to see that the flock is fed through insightful and accurate Biblical instruction and admonition (1 Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:9).
- Elders are to pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of the Members (Acts 6:4, James 5:14).
- Refute Those Who Contradict Truth. Elders are to confront those who are teaching what they should not teach or who are continuing in a pattern of behavior contradictory to Biblical truth. Thus, Elders are to keep closing potential entrances for Satan, so that the truth of Christ will remain credible to both the Members and the community (Acts 20:29-31, Titus 1:9).
- Direct the Church’s Ministry. Elders are to “oversee” the life of the church, with the assistance of other godly leaders. They are to direct the affairs of the church effectively. It is critical that they empower other leaders and servants for ministry (1 Timothy 3:1, 5; 1 Timothy 5:17; Ephesians 4:12).
5.5 – Authority. Except as set forth in these Bylaws, the Elders shall have the authority to take all actions on behalf of Christ Community Church necessary or advisable for the business of Christ Community Church. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Elders may not take any of the following actions without the consent of a majority of the Members at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose:
- The calling of a Senior Pastor, as set forth in Section 7.6 of these Bylaws.
- The appointment of Elders as set forth in Section 5.7 of these Bylaws.
- The appointment of Deacons as set forth in Section 6.5 of these Bylaws.
- The approval of an annual operating budget. Notwithstanding, the Elders can approve changes to the budget not to exceed 15% of the total budget.
- The decision to dissolve the Corporation.
- Any single acquisition or series of related acquisitions of capital assets with a purchase price greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000).
- The admission of new Members.
- Any amendment or change to the Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution, or these Bylaws.
- The incurring of any financial debt, other than revolving credit accounts with limits of $10,000 or less.
- The decision to sell the primary building used for worship by the Church. The Members have the right to vote to approve or disapprove the sale, but do not have the right to vote to modify the terms of the sale.
5.6 Term.
- Length of Term, Limitations. Each Elder will be appointed for a three year term. He may be appointed again for a consecutive three year term, but he may not serve more than two consecutive terms. An Elder must retire for at least one year following his second consecutive term of office before being eligible to assume that office again.
- Staggered Terms. The terms of the Elders shall be staggered so that approximately 1/3 shall stand for appointment each year. Upon the appointment of the initial Elders of Christ Community Church, Elders shall be appointed for terms of one and two years in order to allow for staggered terms.
- Successor Elders. In the event that an Elder shall resign or be removed from office, a successor Elder may be appointed to serve the remainder of the term. A successor Elder may be appointed again for a consecutive three year term, but he may not serve more than two full consecutive terms without retiring as set forth in Subsection A of this Section.
- Not Applicable to Senior Pastor. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to the Senior Pastor, who shall remain a voting member of the Elders as long as he remains Senior Pastor.
- – Appointment of Elders. Elders shall be nominated and appointed according to following procedures:
- Nominating Committee. The Elders shall appoint a Nominating Committee. It shall consist of the Senior Pastor, two other Elders, and two Members of the Church. The non-Elder members on the committee for the coming year shall be approved by the Members of the church at the annual meeting. The church admin in September will distribute and then collect nomination forms for Elders from the church members. These completed nomination forms will be given to the Elders. The Elders in October will, after prayerful consideration, submit to the Nominating Committee the names of the candidates they deem qualified for consideration. The Nominating Committee will interview and investigate the candidates and report back to the Elders the candidates deemed qualified.
- Approval by Elders. The Elders in November will vote to affirm the nominations and announce the names to the church no later than two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
- Approval by Members. At the Annual Meeting in December, the church members will vote to approve each candidate for the office of Elder. No candidate shall be appointed as an Elder unless he receives the approval of 80 percent majority of the Members present at such meeting. Voting for the approval of Elders shall be by anonymous written ballot, but no vote shall count as a vote against approval of a candidate unless it states a reason for the vote and indicates that the Member voting has discussed their reason with the candidate.
- Unfilled Positions, Successor Elders. In the event that a vacant Elder position shall exist, the Elders may call a special meeting for the purpose of appointing a Successor Elder to fill such position. The Nomination Committee shall interview, investigate, and nominate candidates for the vacant position and report such candidates to the Elders prior to the calling of a special meeting. The Elders shall not call the special meeting until they have reviewed the nomination and have voted unanimously to approve the nomination.
- A candidate who has been approved by both the Elders and the Members shall not serve as an Elder until the Elder has been appointed and installed by the Elders.
5.8 – Resignation. Any Elder may resign by giving thirty (30) days’ written advance notice to the Elders.
5.9 – Removal. Any Elder may be removed upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the then currently serving Elders, not including the Elder whose removal is being considered. The grounds for removal shall be:
- Continued behavior which violates the Biblical qualifications for the office;
- Doctrinal Disagreement. Continued agreement with or promotion of doctrine contrary to the Statement of Faith or doctrinal policies of Christ Community Church;
- Divisive Behavior. Continued behavior which promotes discontent or divisiveness that injures the unity and effectiveness of the Elders or the church;
- The conviction of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or dishonesty; or
- Resignation of Membership. The resignation as a Member of Christ Community Church, the accepting of Membership of another church, or in the judgment of the Elders, such Elder has ceased from regular participation in the life of the church.
5.10 – Meetings. The Elders shall meet on a monthly basis to pray for the church, conduct the business of the church, and conduct such other activities as they, in their sole discretion, believe are in the best interests of the church.
- Canceled Meetings. At any meeting of the Elders, the Elders may in their discretion determine that no meeting is required for the following calendar month. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Elders may convene a special meeting if circumstances dictate. The Elders may not cancel the meetings in consecutive months.
- Closed Meetings. The Elders, by majority vote, may close any meeting, or portion thereof to non-Elders if, in their sole discretion, they believe that the matter to be discussed in that meeting, or portion thereof, is confidential or has the potential to harm the reputation of any individual.
- Special Meetings. A special meeting of the Elders may be called by any two Elders. The Chairman of the Elders shall schedule the meeting to occur within fourteen (14) days of the request that a special meeting be called. The Chairman shall take reasonable steps to give notice of a special meeting to all Elders. In the event that written notice is not practical, verbal notice or notice by electronic communications shall be sufficient. Any Elder may waive notice of a special meeting. Attendance at a special meeting shall constitute waiver of notice.
5.11 – Chairman. The Elders shall select a Chairman who shall preside over meetings of the Elders and over meetings of the Members. In the absence of the Chairman, those Elders present may select an interim Chairman to preside over the meeting, if required.
5.12 – Quorum. A majority of the Elders shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Elders, but if less than a majority of the Elders are present at said meeting, a majority of the Elders present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
5.13 – Action. The act of a majority of the Elders present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Elders unless the act of a greater number is required by law or by these Bylaws.
5.14 – Written Consent. Any action required by law to be taken at a meeting of the Elders, or any action which may be taken at a meeting of the Elders, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Elders.
5.15 – Compensation. Elders shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but by resolution of the Elders, may direct a reimbursement of actual expenses to be paid to the Elder or Elders for attendance at meetings of the Elders. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any Elder from receiving fair compensation for services to Christ Community Church rendered in a capacity other than as Elder.
6.1 – Number. There shall be as many Deacons as need requires. Prior to each annual meeting, the Elders will determine the number of Deacons needed in the church for the coming year. Each Deacon shall hold office until his or her term ends and his or her successor shall have been appointed and qualified. Pastoral Staff, other than the Senior Pastor, must be approved by the Senior Pastor before being presented to the Elders and Members for appointment as Deacon.
6.2 – Qualifications. Qualifications for Deacons are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-7. These qualifications are not to be used as checklists, but as principles and guidelines to discern the spiritual maturity of potential deacons. Other than Deacons installed during the first two years after the adoption
of these Bylaws, all Deacons shall have been a member of Christ Community Church for at least one year. Deacons may be male or female.
6.3 – Responsibilities of Deacons. Working with fellow Deacons, a Deacon extends the over-seeing ministry of the Elders to the physical and fiscal needs of the Members and the property of the church. Under the Elders’ leadership, a Deacon cares for and provides for the orderly administration of our fellowship. In accordance with these principles, the Elders may, but are not required to, assign the following responsibilities to the Deacons:
- Financial management:
- Handling the financial assets of the church, including audits, using commonly accepted accounting standards and practices for non-profit organizations, and provide regular reports on the financial health of the church to the Elders.
- Preparing the Annual Budget in conjunction with input from the elders and ministry leaders, presenting it to the Elders, then to the Members for ratification.
- Submitting to the Elders and Members any recommendations for acquisition or disposal of capital items of property with a value of more than (10%) ten percent of the total annual operating budget of the church.
- Facilities maintenance: Maintaining the building, grounds, and church equipment.
- Administering the Benevolence Fund.
- Ushering and assisting with the service of communion.
- Responding to any other defined area of responsibility appropriate to the role of Deacon as established by the Elders.
6.4 Term.
- Length of Term, Limitations. Each Deacon will be appointed for a two year term. A Deacon may be appointed again for up to two consecutive two year terms, but may not serve more than three consecutive terms. A Deacon must retire for at least one year following the third consecutive term of office before being eligible to assume that office again.
- Staggered Terms. To the extent reasonably practical, the terms of the Deacons shall be staggered so that approximately one half shall stand for appointment each year.
- Midyear Appointments. In the event that it is necessary to appoint a Deacon prior to an annual meeting, whether because of a resignation, a removal from office, or the need for additional Deacons, a Deacon may be appointed to serve. A Deacon appointed other than at an annual meeting may be appointed again for up to two consecutive two year terms, but may not serve more than three full consecutive terms without retiring as set forth in subsection a of this Section.
- Not Applicable to Pastoral Staff. The provisions of this Section shall not apply to Pastoral Staff, who may be appointed as a Deacon by the Senior Pastor as required.
6.5 – Appointment of Lay Deacons. Deacons, other than members of the Pastoral Staff, shall be nominated and appointed according to following procedures:
- Nominating The Elders shall appoint a Nominating Committee. It shall consist of the Senior Pastor, two other Elders, and two Members of the Church. The non-Elder members on the committee for the coming year shall be approved by the Members of the church at the annual meeting. The church admin in September will distribute and then collect nomination forms for Lay Deacons from the church members. These completed nomination forms will be given to the Elders. The Elders in October will, after prayerful consideration, submit to the Nominating Committee the names of the candidates they deem qualified for consideration. The Nominating Committee will interview and investigate the candidates and report back to the Elders the candidates deemed qualified.
- Approval by Elders. The Elders in November will vote to affirm the nominations and announce the names to the church no later than two weeks prior to the annual meeting.
- Approval by Members. At the Annual Meeting in December, the church members will vote to approve each candidate for the office of Deacon. No candidate shall be appointed as a Deacon unless he or she receives the approval of 80 percent majority of the Members present at such meeting.
- Midyear Appointments. In the event that a vacant Deacon position shall exist, the Elders may call a special meeting for the purpose of appointing a Deacon to fill such position. The Nomination Committee shall interview, investigate, and nominate candidates for the vacant position and report such candidates to the Elders prior to the calling of a special meeting. The Elders shall not call the special meeting until they have reviewed the nomination and have voted unanimously to approve the nomination.
- A candidate who has been approved by both the Elders and the Members shall not serve as a Deacon until the Deacon has been appointed and installed by the Elders.
6.6 – Resignation. Any Deacon may resign by giving thirty (30) days’ written advance notice to the Elders.
6.7 – Removal. Any Deacon may be removed upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the then currently serving Elders. The grounds for removal shall be:
- Continued behavior which violates the Biblical qualifications for the office;
- Doctrinal Disagreement. Continued agreement with or promotion of doctrine contrary to the Statement of Faith or doctrinal policies of Christ Community Church;
- Divisive Behavior. Continued behavior which promotes discontent or divisiveness that injures the unity and effectiveness of the Deacons or the church;
- The conviction of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or dishonesty; or
- Resignation of Membership. The resignation as a Member of Christ Community Church, the accepting of Membership of another church, or the cessation of regular participation in the life of the church.
6.8 – Meetings. The Deacons may meet as needed, without notice to the Members, to conduct the business of the church.
6.9 – Chairman. The Deacons shall select a Chairman who shall preside over meetings of the Deacons. In the absence of the Chairman, those Deacons present may select an interim Chairman to preside over the meeting, if required.
6.10 – Quorum. A majority of the Deacons shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Deacons, but if less than a majority of the Deacons are present at said meeting, a majority of the Deacons present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.
6.11 – Action. The act of a majority of the Deacons present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Deacons unless the act of a greater number is required by law or by these Bylaws.
6.12 – Written Consent. Any action required by law to be taken at a meeting of the Deacon, or any action which may be taken at a meeting of the Deacons, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of the Deacons.
6.13 – Compensation. Deacons shall receive no compensation for their services as such, but by resolution of the Elders, may direct a reimbursement of actual expenses to be paid to the Deacon or Deacons for attendance at meetings of the Deacons. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any Deacon from receiving fair compensation for services to Christ Community Church rendered in a capacity other than as Deacon.
7.1 – Description. The Senior Pastor shall have the oversight of the day to day ministry of Christ Community Church. All Pastoral Staff and other employees of the church ultimately report to the Senior Pastor, who reports to the Elders.
7.2 – Qualifications. The Senior Pastor is an Elder who is called to vocational ministry. As such, the Senior Pastor shall meet the qualifications to serve as an Elder, as set forth in Section 5.3 of these Bylaws. In addition, the Senior Pastor shall agree with the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Free Church of America and shall be ordained, or eligible for ordination and making steady progress towards securing the EFCA ordination credential.
7.3 – Term. There is no set term of service for the Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor shall serve from the time that he is installed as Senior Pastor until such time as he shall resign, retire, or be removed.
7.4 – Accountability. The Senior Pastor is directly accountable to the Elders and through them to the church.
7.5 – Obligations. The Senior Pastor shall serve as one of the Elders but is not eligible to be the Chairman of the Elders. The Senior Pastor shall also be an ex-officio member of all commissions, task
forces, or committees with voting privilege, but not expected to attend. He shall be the spiritual leader, preach and teach God’s Word, guide and advise various church organizations and ministries, direct and supervise other members of the Pastoral Staff in their duties, and represent the church in the community and in the regional and national affairs of the Evangelical Free Church of America.
7.6 – Selection. At any time when there is a vacancy for the position of Senior Pastor, such vacancy shall be filled according to the following procedure:
- A nominating committee from among the Elders or appointed by the Elders.
- Three-fourths (3/4) approval by Elders.
- Three-fourths (3/4) approval by the Deacons.
- Three-fourths (3/4) approval by the Members at a special meeting of the Members called for that purpose.
7.7 – Resignation/Retirement. The Senior Pastor will give a minimum of thirty days’ written notice of resignation or retirement to the Chairman of the Elders, who shall then present the notice to the Elders and to the Members.
7.8 – Removal. The Senior Pastor may be removed upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the then currently serving Elders, with the Senior Pastor not qualified to vote, and two-thirds (2/3) of the then serving Deacons, if any. The grounds for removal shall be:
- Continued behavior which violates the Biblical qualifications for the office;
- Doctrinal Disagreement. Continued agreement with or promotion of doctrine contrary to the Statement of Faith or doctrinal policies of Christ Community Church;
- Divisive Behavior. Continued behavior which promotes discontent or divisiveness that injures the unity and effectiveness of the church;
- The conviction of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or dishonesty; or
- Resignation of Membership. The resignation as a Member of Christ Community Church, the accepting of Membership of another church, or the cessation of regular participation in the life of the church.
- Ineffectiveness of Ministry. If in the sole discretion of the Elders, and after a reasonable opportunity to correct any deficiency, the ministry of the Senior Pastor is not effective, then the Senior Pastor may be removed. If the Pastor shall be removed for these grounds, and if the Senior Pastor has served the church for a minimum of one year, a severance package may then be awarded at the discretion of the Elders, based on the circumstances.
8.1 – Description – All licensed or ordained Pastoral Staff, other than the Senior Pastor, shall be pastoral elders of the church, but they may not be Elders, except as set forth in Articles 5 of these Bylaws. All Pastoral Staff who are serving as Elders will be entitled to vote as such. Pastoral Staff who are not currently serving as Elders will serve the church as Deacons. Pastoral Staff are to work with the Elders, giving attention to the equipping of the Members of the church to minister to one another and so build up the body of Christ.
8.2 – Qualifications. The Pastoral Staff are pastoral elders who are called to vocational ministry. As such, the Pastoral Staff shall meet the qualifications to serve as an Elder, as set forth in Section 5.3. In addition, the Pastoral Staff shall agree with the doctrinal positions of Christ Community Church, shall be licensed or ordained, or eligible for licensure and/or ordination and making steady progress towards securing EFCA ministry credentials.
8.3 – Obligations. The Pastoral Staff shall diligently fulfill their duties as outlined in their ministry descriptions. The ministry descriptions shall be reviewed annually by the Senior Pastor.
8.4 – Accountability. The Pastoral Staff are directly accountable to the Senior Pastor or his designee, and through the Senior Pastor to the Elders, and through them to the Members.
8.5 – Selection. Pastoral Staff shall be chosen to fill ministry descriptions as approved by the Elders. Pastoral Staff positions may be full-time or part-time. Any candidate for Pastoral Staff shall be chosen by the following procedure:
- A search committee from among the Elders or appointed by the Elders.
- Approval by the Senior Pastor.
- Approval by a majority of the Elders.
8.6 – Resignation/Retirement. Pastoral Staff will give a minimum of thirty days’ written notice of resignation or retirement to the Chairman of the Elders, who shall then present the notice to the Elders and to the church.
8.7 – Removal. Pastoral Staff may be removed upon the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the then currently serving Elders, with the Pastoral Staff not qualified to vote if then serving as an Elder. The grounds for removal shall be:
- Continued behavior which violates the Biblical qualifications for the office;
- Doctrinal Disagreement. Continued agreement with doctrine contrary to the Statement of Faith or doctrinal policies of Christ Community Church;
- Divisive Behavior. Continued behavior which promotes discontent or divisiveness that injures the unity and effectiveness of the church;
- The conviction of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or dishonesty; or
- Resignation of Membership. The resignation as a Member of Christ Community Church, the accepting of Membership of another church, or the cessation of regular participation in the life of the church.
- Ineffectiveness of Ministry. If in the sole discretion of the Elders, and after a reasonable opportunity to correct any deficiency, the ministry of the Pastoral Staff is not effective, then the Pastoral Staff may be removed.
9.1 – President. The Chairman of the Elders shall serve as the President of the Corporation. The Chairman shall preside over all meetings of the Elders and all Meetings of the Members, and shall perform such other duties pertaining to the office of President.
9.2 – Vice-President. The Elders may select one of their number to serve as Vice-President in the absence of the President.
9.3 – Treasurer. The Elders shall select an Elder or a Deacon to serve as Treasurer. The same individual may serve as both Treasurer and Secretary. The Treasurer shall conduct all financial responsibilities in accordance with the financial procedures and controls established by the Elders. The Treasurer shall:
- Be custodian of all funds and securities of the corporation and collect interest thereon, as reasonably practical.
- Using commonly accepted accounting standards for non-profit organizations, keep accurate and auditable record of the accounts of the corporation and report thereon at each annual meeting of the Members.
- Make special reports to the Elders and the Deacons when requested.
- Be responsible for the deposit of all moneys of the corporation in the name of the corporation in a bank or banks selected and designated by the Elders.
- Be responsible for all withdrawals for authorized purposes, in accordance with commonly accepted accounting procedures for non-profit organizations and any financial procedures and controls established by the Elders.
- Prepare and file reports and returns required by all governmental agencies.
9.4 – Secretary. The Elders shall select an Elder or a Deacon to serve as Secretary. The same individual may serve as both Secretary and Treasurer. The Secretary shall:
- Record the minutes of all meetings of the Members and Elders.
- Prepare and distribute the minutes to the Elders within five business days following the meeting.
- Confer with the President for possible omissions.
- Provide the minutes to any Members who request them, however such minutes may be redacted to preserve the confidentiality of matters discussed during closed meetings or closed portions of meetings.
- Have custody of the seal of the corporation and all other official records.
- Give notice of all meeting as required by these Bylaws or by Florida Statutes.
- Determine the existence of a quorum at all meetings of Members.
- Maintain reports from commissions, task forces, and committees.
- Perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Elders.
9.5 – Vacancies. Vacancies among the officers shall be filled by a vote of the Elders.
9.6 – Senior Pastor. The Senior Pastor shall not be qualified to serve as one of the Officers.
9.7 – Compensation. Officers shall receive no compensation for their services as such. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any Officer from receiving fair compensation for services to Christ Community Church rendered in a capacity other than as Officer.
9.8 – Removal. Any officer may be removed from the position upon a majority vote of the Elders.
10.1 – Description. The Elders will approve all non-pastoral employment positions before any employee is hired.
10.2 – Hiring. The Senior Pastor shall approve the hiring of any non-pastoral employee. The Senior Pastor shall report the hiring to the Elders at the next regular meeting of the Elders.
10.3 – Accountability. All non-pastoral employees are directly accountable to the Senior Pastor or his designee and through the Senior Pastor to the Elders. The Elders and Deacons shall not give direct instructions to any non-pastoral employee without the prior consent of the Senior Pastor.
10.4 – Termination. All non-pastoral employees are employees at will. The Senior Pastor, or his designee, shall have the authority to terminate the employment of any non-pastoral employee without cause.
10.5 – Employment Policies. The Elders may adopt an employment manual.
11.1 – Articles of Incorporation; Bylaws. The Articles of Incorporation or these Bylaws may be amended by a vote of a majority of the Members at a special meeting called for that purpose, or at the annual meeting of the Members. The proposed amendments will be made available to Members at least two weeks before the meeting at which the amendments will be considered. Any proposed amendment which shall not be approved at a meeting may not be reintroduced for a period of eighteen (18) months.
11.2 – Constitution. The Constitution may be amended by a vote of a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Members at a special meeting called for that purpose, or at the annual meeting of the Members. The proposed amendments will be made available to Members at least two weeks before the meeting at which the amendments will be considered. Any proposed amendment which shall not be approved at a meeting may not be reintroduced for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
11.3 – Statement of Faith. In addition to the provisions set forth in Section 11.1 and Section 11.2, the Statement of Faith set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and Constitution may be amended as set forth in this Section. If the Evangelical Free Church of America adopts revisions to its Statement of Faith, the church will schedule a special meeting to consider such revisions within six months of the adoption of the revisions. If a majority of the Members present at such special meeting vote to approve the revisions, then the Articles of Incorporation and Constitution shall be amended to reflect the revisions.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we set our names and signatures to these Bylaws this _______________, 2008.
_______________________________, Director
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the undersigned Secretary of the corporation known as Christ Community Church – EFCA, Inc. does certify that the foregoing Bylaws were duly adopted by the Board of Directors on _______________________, and that they now constitute Bylaws of said corporation.
______________________________, Secretary
*Denotes changes made to CCC By-Laws
Approved at June 10, 2012 Congregational Mtg.
C:\Users\Admin\Document Files\Christ Community Church\Bylaws\By-Laws.revised.final.docx